Tagged: strategy

The Day after Veteran’s Day

It seems apropos that I should be writing a column after Veteran’s Day because this is a discussion of the “after” (military service) that many military servicemembers face. To this end, we ought to… Read More

Can we solve our labor problems?

Can we solve our labor problems? Our region, despite some outward appearances, has some very troubling employment statistics The unemployment rate is modest (2.9%). The number of unfilled positions is relatively high (10,000 openings).… Read More

Wars and Rumors of Wars

We live in turbulent times. With Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, Europe is now embroiled in the most significant armed conflict since World War II. It is being fought in Eastern Europe but threatens… Read More

What is the true purpose of our lives?

I recently penned a piece about what it means to “grow up.” It never really got to a fundamental question of life, one that starts early on and is likely never loses its relevance.… Read More