Tagged: faith


Policy is always Personal

There are few things that are as difficult for a parent than to have a conversation with their child and hear hurt and fear in their voice. This happened to me this week and… Read More

Happy 4th of July!

The 4th of July weekend brought much of my family together. It reminded me of the comment on a playbill for a show at the Barter Theater I had seen a while back. “Sometimes… Read More

Friendship, what does it mean?

I’m admittedly on the downward slope of my life and I find that one grows more sentimental with time. I have met a lot of people along the way and friendships become more salient… Read More

Where do our dreams go?

I recently had a revelatory experience. We have long desired a place at the beach. But not just any place: Old Florida feel; close to the water; easy access. A pipe dream. We were… Read More

Home is where your heart is

I have been a traveler. Although I have lived in East Tennessee for over thirty years, I am not “from here.” In some respects, I will always be from somewhere else. But where? When… Read More

Why is balance so hard to achieve?

We seek it, yet it often seems elusive: “balance.” A state of equilibrium. Like a law of thermodynamics, it is cancellation of one set of influences by equal opposing forces. Sorry, but life just… Read More

Regret and Gratitude-two sides of the same coin

There are many powerful forces at work in the world. Natural drives like gravity and magnetism impact our physical being. Other influences are more subtle. Economic forces (e.g., inflation) drive human conduct. Social imperatives,… Read More

Falling Apart but Falling Forward

Well, it is happening again. Another system failure. The red lights and sirens don’t sound, but the warning signs flare. I have become more aware of my body (and not in a good way).… Read More